
Code Scan Stats

Stats are an overview of all the repositories scanned and the issues found in them.

When you first create a new account, you may not see the stats. You need to set a Scan Frequency for the repositories you have connected with the Kaizen Bot.

Repositories Scanned

Repositories Scanned

You have a drop-down menu to filter out the repositories' results of all time, this week, or this month, based on the duration you want.

On the right side, you get an overview of the number of issues found based on severity.

Total Issues Found

Total Issues Found

You have a drop-down menu to filter out the repositories' results of all time, this week, or this month, based on the duration you want.

On the right side, you get an overview of the total number of issues found and a graph of the number of issues found over time.

Note that you can find a similar overview at the top of your Home Section once you have your repositories connected.