Issues Found
This section shows a detailed list of all the issues found via Code Scan.
You can sort all your Issues in ascending or descending order by clicking on the top of each of the following headers:
- Severity: Represents how critical your issues are.
- Description: Provides a short summary of the issues found in the repository.
- Repository: Refers to the name of the repo.
- File Path: Shows the path of the critical files in the repository.
- Category: Shows the category type of the critical files.
- Created: Shows the date and time when the issue was created.
At the bottom left, you get the total number of records in the list, and on the bottom right, you can navigate between pages.
You can choose which categories or severity levels you want to see by selecting from the filter menu.
You can also choose which headers to show by navigating to the Show menu button on the top right of the Issues Found list view.